Smoke protection and ventilation for multi-storey retail buildings

Protecting shopping centres and retail environments poses significant technical, regulatory and operational challenges, necessitating well-designed smoke ventilation systems that enable the smoke-free and safe evacuation of occupants from all levels. Our expertise ensures systems blend into the building structure, remaining concealed until required.

Why specialist smoke control and ventilation expertise is essential

In the dynamic world of retail, ensuring the safety and comfort of both customers and staff is paramount. Effective smoke ventilation systems play a crucial role in this equation, not only for meeting legal safety requirements but also for creating a welcoming environment that enhances the shopping experience.

NSP brings more than a decade of expertise in delivering innovative retails solutions. Our specialised knowledge in smoke ventilation systems ensures that each retail space we work on is equipped to handle emergencies efficiently, minimising risk and maximising safety. By integrating cutting-edge technology with custom design, NSP ensures that retail environments are not just safe but also aligned with the aesthetic and functional needs of the space. Our commitment to excellence and compliance adds significant value to each project, providing retail building owners and operators with peace of mind and a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Highly-compliant design, installation and maintenance of advanced smoke control and ventilation systems

Early-stage building design

FUMO’s consulting support creates clear, unambiguous specifications for the integration of advanced smoke ventilation systems at the building design stage. It provides you with the compliance assurance you need to progress from initial building design, through to planning application and construction.


System design & installation

VentGuard delivers every aspect of smoke control and ventilation in high-rise buildings, delivering turnkey packages that prioritise safety and compliance. We combine in-depth regulatory knowledge with the curation of the latest technologies from across the smoke ventilation ecosystem. VentGuard provides you with access to the latest thinking, design ideas, components and control systems.


Service & maintenance

VentGuard’s ‘manufacturer agnostic’ approach ensures our operation and maintenance expertise extends to all technologies across the smoke ventilation ecosystem. Whether servicing and maintaining systems we’ve installed, or taking on an existing system, our flexible maintenance contracts help to deliver lower total cost of ownership.


Why NSP?

Partnering with NSP means your project not only meets but exceeds safety and compliance standards. Our expertise in innovative, bespoke systems guarantees a safer, more inviting retail environment, enhancing the shopping experience while protecting assets and people. With NSP, you benefit from a holistic approach that addresses your unique needs, offering competitive, compliant solutions designed for the challenges of modern retail spaces. Our commitment to compliance sets us apart, ensuring your development is equipped to thrive in today’s demanding retail landscape.

How we work with customers

Smoke control systems for multi-storey retail buildings

NSP's VentGuard smoke control and ventilation solutions offer a range of natural, mechanical and pressurisation systems, each designed for specific high-rise retail scenarios.

Explore VentGuard systems

Related case studies

Meadowhall Shopping Centre

Design, supply, installation and commissioning of smoke and natural ventilation control systems for life safety requirements, day-to-day ventilation of the mall areas throughout.

Find out more

Championing rigorous compliance

If a smoke protection or ventilation system isn’t fully compliance tested, then it isn’t safe. Customers trust us to navigate a complex regulatory landscape. We are committed to ensuring that every product and system not only meets but exceeds the industry’s regulatory standards. We are dedicated to providing solutions that are consistently reliable, thoroughly tested, and designed to align with the latest safety regulations and best practices.
