Minories Hotel, Aldgate
Account manager - Ryan Marriott
System installed - Mechanical smoke ventilation system and car park ventilation system.
X Construct.
Project overview
Located within the square mile of London City, this former 1970s office block was re-developed to create a 342-bedroom Hotel as part of Canopy by Hilton, the first of its kind in the UK. The development of the site has seen the construction of a new 11-storey RC extension and an additional floor. Beneath the hotel lies a vast two-storey basement including a car park. NSP was contracted to provide an advanced mechanical smoke ventilation system for the car park.

Work undertaken
Design and supply, mechanical and electrical installation and commissioning: mechanical smoke ventilation system and car park ventilation system with fans suspended 5m high.
Equipment used
- Zone Pressure control panel, zonal control panel, MCPs, LED indication panel, fan control panel, 800mm diameter smoke extract fan (6m3/s), Selo door, pressure sensors, 1m2 roof ventilator, IP54 rated ATS panel.
- 1,000 diameter smoke extraction fans (13m3/s), cylindrical inlet/outlet attenuators, jet fans, CO detectors, fire officer switch and ATS panel